Monday, May 31, 2010

2day = frusrated...

2day very frustrated... Chinese didn't finish... Maybe 2 ppl didn't finish is nth... But to me didn't finish is really depressing... I am always proud of my chinese... But this time I didn't finish... The disappointment I feel is a feeling I am not able to describe... How I wish I could be like xin ya complain to jordan or any 1 else... I just feel blank after the exams,oh ya... Thanks ah kit~ I know u care abt me... But its just my personal problem... I just don't feel like talking... I feel like I lost something important,my chinese that I am always proud of is lost... What 2 do ? *Lost* I really have no mood 2 study physics anymore... Sad but can't cry... This feels terrible...
PS:\ I notice another thing,only jordan a.k.a short short and I have no personal blog~

豆沙包 a.k.a *Nellie*^o^

Friday, May 28, 2010


前几天晴姐姐来我家做温习,挺好的 ^^ 晴姐姐,爱你~! 电话坏了,haiz... 考试非常地差... 对不起大家和我自己...

我真得很伤心... 绝望... 昨天Add Maths考到非常地差... 没有做很多题... 不想让家人知道... 便一直隐藏这件事... 只是读一阵子的小说便被父亲骂到狗血淋头... 于是发了脾气... 不想出门却被家人逼出门... 我考试考得很疲倦了,还得出门,一点也不体谅我的感受... 再次发了脾气... 我在路上闭目养神,被误认为睡着了... 我的家人便开始说我的坏话... 他们说我是魔鬼... 早知我会让他们这样丢脸,他们就应该把我留在家里自生自灭... 我差一点当场哭了出来... 我虽然很不想讲,但是你们真得让我很反感,很讨厌! 我为了你们付出一切的矮,你们一点也不领情也罢,还处处伤害我! 我已经遍体鳞伤了,你们还在我的伤口上撒盐! 你们跟在我背后说我坏话的小人有什么分别?! 我真得非常的失望... 趁我不注意时说我的坏话,还一副什么事都没有发生的模样根本就不把我当你们亲生的... 有时我甚至怀疑我到底是不是你们的亲生女儿... Add Maths的打击已经让我很吃不消了,被爸爸骂看小说,还被骂是魔鬼... 我是魔鬼你们是天使可以了吗?! 你们根本就是偏心... 姐姐发脾气,你们都会宠着她,你们真得很虚伪! 姐姐生气天经地义,我呢? 我真的很恨你们! 很想一走了之,离开这个世界... 反正没有人爱我,没有人关心我... 今天是卫塞节,本应该开开心心,却没有任何的心情做任何的事...

豆沙包 a.k.a *Nellie*^o^

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank u 莲蓉包 4 the intro~

Thank u dear lian rong bao a.k.a "grandmother" 4 the intro~ I choose 2 post this in english 2 ^^ XD I had a terrible week this week... Exams maybe will fail... I've been crying & crying... Kinda tired... Dissapointed... I really just want 2 sleep & forget everything like how I always do when I was young... But now... Been trying 2 commit suicide hehe~ that's all 4 now~
tAk3 cAr3 Bao's

豆沙包 a.k.a *Nellie*^o^


Ahnyeonghaseyo!!! Welcome to the one and only Pau Family!!

As the "grandmother" of the group, and being nicknamed Lin Yong Pau, allow me to introduce my family....

My "grandkids"
Nellie Tan, a.k.a Dou Sa Pau
Lee Sook Yin, a.k.a Cha Siew Pau
Yeo Koy Xin, a.k.a Xiao Long Pau
and their "grandfather"
Jordan Long, a.k.a Dai Pau

Don't ask me how these names came about and how I suddenly started aging and have grandkids and a husband. Most likely I was dreaming when all these stuff happened, they just threw the nickname at me, and I can't shake it off.

To be convenient, this will be a bilingual blog, but most likely everything else will be in Chinese except fr this post!!!

I wish I was named Mrs. Kim(as in Kim Jae Joong), but then who doesn't? And Nellie will yell at me for dumping my "husband". The only reason he is my husband is because we are long time friends, buts that's where it ends, I'm afraid.

You are going to be shocked at our craziness, so please supply urself with oxygen, and read at your own risk.

We are certified St. John members, but at this point, help is out of the question.